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Digital Detox: Ways to Have Fun Without a Screen

Hi everyone! I am super excited for today’s article because I love finding new ways to enjoy my free time and change up my everyday routine to decrease boredom. In this digital age, it's very easy to find ourselves glued to our screens, whether it's for work, socializing, or leisure. A sense of boredom leads us to feel tempted to take out our phone and start scrolling through social media. As time passes, you feel like you have wasted the day away. While technology has undoubtedly enriched our lives, excessive screen time can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, and a constant urge to check our phones, even when there is nothing important awaiting us. Taking a break from the digital world is essential to rejuvenate our minds and reconnect with the simple joys of life.

Although it is important to limit screen time, these activities I am about to mention can still involve technology, but it is in a much more creative manner that allows us to tap into the expressive part of ourselves, rather than harm our mental health like social media tends to do. It is important to recognize that taking breaks on social media is completely normal, as long as you don't develop a dependency to it. I hope you enjoy this article that highlights some of my favorite things to do that promote mindfulness and creativity.


1. Get Lost in the Pages: Rediscover the Magic of Books

Try incorporating reading into your routine. From light magazines to intriguing nonfiction books to thrilling novels, reading can cater to anyone. Pick up a physical book or use an e-reader like a Kindle to explore captivating stories and thought-provoking ideas. Reading can transport you to different worlds, allowing your imagination to wander freely without the distractions of notifications from social media apps or emails. Whether it's fiction, self-help, or poetry, immerse yourself in the written word to relax and recharge. I personally love reading thrillers and fantasy novels because there is a lot of action involved that allows me to stay immersed in a book without getting distracted. With each turning page, you'll rediscover the magic of reading and find peace in the escape it provides from digital distractions.

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides a really cool thriller centered around Greek mythology. He also has another psychological thriller book.

2. Craft Away: Delve Into Various Forms of Art

Engage your hands and mind with a relaxing craft like crocheting. There are countless arts that you can learn, from jewelry making to painting. This past year, I have become obsessed with crocheting. With a hook and some yarn, you can create beautiful and functional items while enjoying a screen-free experience. You can make so many items, from cute clothing to stuffed animals. While you can find crochet tutorials on platforms like YouTube, consider limiting your screen time to the learning phase and then embark on your crochet journey without constant digital interruptions. Once you get the hang of crochet, you can still engage in technology while crocheting, but it will now be limited as you can really focus your attention onto the art you are making. The rhythmic motion of crochet can be meditative, providing a sense of accomplishment and serenity.

I recently chrocheted this bathing suit cover up using cotton yarn, and I added a fun flower pattern. It is great to learn how to crochet because I can recreate looks I see online or in stores and use these as inspiration for my own projects, without having to buy them and instead make them myself, making for a fun experience.

Another thing I crocheted is this adorable teddy bear using fuzzy yarn, and I even added a scarf and hat for the winter season. This is just such a relaxing activity and you should definitely give it a shot when you have the time to sit down and wind down.

3. Embrace Nature: Take a Walk Outdoors

Spending time in nature is a powerful way to rejuvenate both physically and mentally. The best part about going on a walk is that it is free. Whether you live in an urban environment or in a calm natural area, going on a walk can allow you to rediscover and develop an appreciation for the nature around you. This doesn’t have to be fully screen free either. While going on a walk, consider using your smartphone to listen to a podcast or some calming music. Tune into a podcast that interests you, stimulates your curiosity, or motivates personal growth. This way, you can enjoy the wonders of nature while also making productive use of technology. However, refrain from aimlessly scrolling through social media during your nature walks to truly savor the experience.

I love walking in the summer weather when the trees and plants are in full bloom. The sounds of nature, like birds chirping and trees rustling in the wind, brings a sense of relaxation to me and helps me stay calm even in stressful moments in my life.

As someone who prefers the warmer summer months, I struggle to fully enjoy the winter season and appreciate the nature. However, I have been trying to get outside even in the cold weather and accept the differences between the seasons.

If you live in or near Manhattan, I recommend checking out a park since they are free. I love going to Battery Park for pretty views of the ocean, and Bryant Park for its abundance of seating areas where you can relax and enjoy the view of the skyscrapers around you.


Use your digital detox time to explore your creative side and engage in physical activity outdoors. Whether it's painting, drawing, writing, or photography, engaging in these activities allows you to disconnect from screens while connecting with your inner self. There are so many options to choose from, like reading books, trying crafts, or spending time outside. These all allow us to minimize mindless scrolling and embrace the moment in front of us. By creating a balance between tech use and screen-free experiences, we can practice mindfulness, creativity, and strengthen our overall well-being.

Take a step back from the digital world and rediscover the simple pleasures that life has to offer. Your mind and body will thank you for it!

Until next time,

Alice <3

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